Monday 13 June 2011

Information Warfare 101

Information is moving at a blinding pace and to people and places its never been before. The internet has moved more peoples ideas, thoughts and feelings faster than any other medium in history. It seems to be creating a sort of 'hive mind' or global society. But perhaps the most important thing the internet has right now though is the truth. It's not everywhere you look, it's not in everything you read or see or hear but you can find it if you're looking for it, at least something that agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. But don't be surprised if it's hidden in sea of bullshit, this is called information warfare.

Welcome to the shit fight.

We should be able to take what people say at face value and decide for ourselves but very few people seem to do this. I have a few friends who are into conspiracies and pseudoscience. They have a tendency to believe one story about something crazy and discount something else entirely based on nothing other than the notion that the government, big business, the illuminati or the freemasons are trying to cover everything up. At the same time there's web sites dedicated to spreading false information about interesting subjects like the Bosnian pyramids. If you haven't heard about that one and nether had I until I visited my friend and heard all about it, pretty interesting stuff... until we discovered it was bullshit. It turned out to be nothing but dirt. The problem with that is, it's a way cooler subject to talk about if it were true and there was a pyramid in Bosnia that's 30% bigger than anything in Egypt and ten thousand years old, way older than any structure ever found.

 When you start to discover that the story is bogus it goes from the coolest thing in the world to... not much. Its a little disappointing. Problem is my friend didn't want to give up on this cool story so he stuck to his guns about how the main stream media was sweeping this hole mountain under the rug. Don't look on that site. I tell him, read an article from a reputable news site like the BBC or CNN or something . No he tells me, their under the control of the government or the illuminati or someone trying to hide the truth about aliens or the 2012 apocalypse.

It seems harder to tell the truth from the lies more so than ever in this age of information. People want cool stores to tell and others want to lie so someone will listen and they can feel important. I guess its just part of the human condition, problem is its slowing down our progress, our evolution.

On the other end of the scale there are the folks who don't want to listen to anything anyone has to say that sounds a little crazy. They're the skeptics and to a certain extent that's a good thing, but just take a look at life in general its pretty crazy as it is. From how big the universe is to a tiny cell in our body, a blood cell is a single celled organism, a life form all on its own but also apart of us. All this shit seems crazy, meanwhile the government does lie and some conspiracies are true - Iran contra, the gulf of Tonkin, Nixon's  Watergate scandal, Clinton's blowjob.

Funny side note- Howard Simons, the managing editor of the Post during Watergate, dubbed the secret informant "Deep Throat" as an allusion to a notorious porn movie which was a mainstream cause of controversy at the time. What are the odds that the impeachment of Bill Clinton and the resignation of Richard Nixon would be bought about by blowjobs!

I don't have all the answers, no one dose. I don't really know if the BBC is being controlled by the puppet master or not. So my reality, my truth is always going to be different from someone else's. If something feels right or wrong to you and you've heard both sides, who am I to tell you you're wrong.

The most important thing might just be not to lie to yourself.

Believing in anything cool and crazy is sometimes a form of escapism, when I was really into the Illuminati, it was for me what reading a book about swords and sorcery is for all those harry potter fans. The added history and element of realism just made it more interesting to me but I never once tried to uncover something big by sitting in my room and putting all the peaces together.

My theory about most conspirators is that they don't REALLY believe in any of  it at all, they just WANT to believe the government is evil, the aliens are coming, the world is ending on their watch and Big foot plays Marco Polo with the Loch Ness monster. Life is just more interesting that way.

Until we've evolved to the stage of instantly being able to tell the truth from the lies, probably through technology. You'll just have to decide for yourself.
