Saturday 9 April 2011

Living In A Soulless System

I heard this joke the other night on Comedy Central Presents, the comic said as he was watching the news about a tornado and there was a American couple that were saying they weren't going to leave even though their house was on wheels, they said "God will protect us". An he said who do you think is sending the tornado?

The joke is sub-par but there's an interesting premise there, it's like when you hear about a three year old that gets hit by a delivery van - it sux for everyone involved, sux for the kid who gets cheated out of a life, sux for the parents who feel responsible for turning their back for two seconds while they make some chocolate milk for their now deceased child, sux for the driver of the van that now will probably become an alcoholic and never forgive himself.

People will say that it was Gods plan and/or that he needed them, needed them for what? Dose God have a little league team up in heaven and noticed that little Billy had a cannon for an arm? What's the fucking plan?

I say- we live in a Soulless System, the universe doesn't give a fuck about you or me or this little rock flying through space that we live on. Everything that happens could just be completely random. That's a scary thought, we seem to want a reason for everything bad that happens because having no control is very fucking scary.

Someone gets cancer an we say - must have been his diet or black mould in their house or second hand smoke. We don't ever want to think that this could happen to us or anyone we love. Or maybe it was Karma, maybe he drowned puppies in his basement and no one knew. Sure it's possible but I'm not convinced that bad shit doesn't just happen to good people for no reason.

So what's the point? Do we start raping and pillaging? If there's no Karma and no plan, no heaven no hell, no consequences in the after life, Why not?... Well you'll know. You'll know how much you suck or how much of an honest person you are. And the people you care about will know too.

I just don't need the threat of being judged buy anyone or anything else to want me to be a good person. God, the universe and karma might not give a fuck about us, but we should. Because that's all we've ever needed.

So when the tornado comes, do yourself a favour arsehole - GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!!

Before I go I'm going to leave you with a poem I wrote a while back. 
I assure you I'm not gay, trust me I checked...

More than Karma-

Why can't we both, let go of our fears?
They twist in my stomach, reduce you to tears.

Shall we ever be rid, of this damming confusion?
Searching for answers, yet finding illusion .

If one day I become, your enlightened Ken.
I promise to show you, just how to be Zen.

But madness comes, an it splits my mind.
The Universe to me, seems so unkind.

Life isn't fair, and it's full of this drama.
Hold out your hands, and receive more than Karma.

See even good people, find their homes burning .
Don't fucking give up, the world is still turning .
